Wednesday, November 23, 2011

GooDeeBag Merchandise!

Now you can get your very own "Tony approved" stickers, as well as bumpers stickers and ectera to help support our show and fund improvements for you, the listener. Just mosey on over to "the ridiculous premise" on zazzle and check out my GooDeeBag section.

Feel free to also check out my OWS support merch...its all I have so far, but more products for the GooDeeBag and other things will show up from time to time.

Enjoy, and buy something why dontcha!? Help us help you help us all.

Episode 26 UPDATE!

Well it seems due to our section on the professor requiring his students to bring in baked goods, Sacramento State has forced the Professor to remove that requirement from his students. This is definitely only due to us making fun of the policy and nothing else.