Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tony's Take: Be Bold

One of the most interesting phenomenons I come across while reading the news daily is the insane amounts of people who just flat out do not give a shit. Growing up there were things we are taught that you simply do not do, and yet, every day I am reading stories about people like Matthew Moore.

Matthew Moore is a 35 year old man with 44 license suspensions, who was pulled over for driving 83mph in a 55mph zone. I say this because after the first license suspension, if I had to drive I would make sure I obey every possible letter of the law to prevent myself from being pulled over. This guy did stupid shit another 43 times, then decided he was going to blow past a cop 28mph over the speed limit. What that says to me, is either he is illiterate (and shouldn’t have passed the written portion of the driving test) or! He really wants to go to jail. I’ll let you decide on that one.

But he was just a criminal right? Those among us that actually care about not going to jail and thus meeting bubba would take some care right? Enter John C. Hughes of Butte (It is pronounced Byut, seriously guys) Montana. Like many of us Hughes has a bucket list. While many people have things like swim with dolphins, go on a polar expedition, Hughes has something a little different on his. He wanted to get into a high speed police chance. Leading police in a chase that broke speeds of over 100mph Hughes was living the dream…Until he was stopped with stop sticks and reminded that you do go to jail for that. He now faces misdemeanor (less than one year sentence) charges for reckless driving while eluding police. For further proof that he does not care, he was not drunk or under the influence of anything but his own insanity.

Finally a man in England decided he was going to run away from the police when they pulled him over for driving without a seatbelt. Understandably the police chase him down under assumption he has something to hide (which is completely understandable in my opinion). Then when they managed to stop him again he locked himself in his car and refused to come out, resulting in the cop breaking the passenger side window open. Now that just sounds like a plain idiot, where can I say “he just does not care”? When you find out later he sued the police! Apparently because he was only going to be fined for the seatbelt (nothing illicit about him or the car except for having a license plate that does not fit regulations) and because he claims to suffer from post traumatic stress disorder afterwards he was awarded a little over $30,000 in an out of court settlement.

So why do I bring these stories up? Number one: because no matter what it is about, if it is motor vehicle related I am interested. Number two: because it teaches us all a very important lesson. Frankly, I did not know it was even possible to be walking the streets (let alone driving on them) after having your license suspended 44 times, or you can play high speed chase and have a chance to walk, or even get $30,000 out of the experience. In fact, if it was possible to do more than once (which I am sure I will be proven it can), I could see people doing that as part of padding their yearly income. The moral of this story is simple, if you go out into the world; bring with you the biggest pair of balls possible.

But that is just my take…