Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tony's Take: Be Consistent

We have all heard the line “consistency is key.” Whether it is in sports when you are talking about a basketball player’s free throw percentage, or a referee’s ability to ignore the Aaron Rogers rules of football (if you don’t know what I am talking about just know if you poke Aaron Rogers it is a penalty). It could also be the politician who is against gay marriage while being secretly gay himself, or the Billionaire calling for higher taxes for the rich while being accused of dodging taxes himself, or If I knew anything about the entertainment industry I bet I could find an example there as well. There is also another definition of consistency: when it is your job to enforce a rule, actually making punishments that do not break the rule itself.

Of course, this is when I bring the story. In Hoke County North Carolina a United States Department of Agriculture representative (agent? Enforcer? I have no idea what to call them) went to a local school to inspect the lunches of pre-school students and decide if they abide by USDA guidelines for a healthy meal. Needless to say, none of the packed lunches were deemed to be healthy. Ignoring how I feel about a government bureaucrat with no accountability to the voting public being allowed to make guidelines on how we feed our children there is one massive problem with the situation. The lunch given to the children to replace their “unhealthy” meals were chicken nuggets.

Even with that information this already seems ridiculous. Under whose definition is a chicken nugget, chicken covered in bread crumbs, then FRIED IN OIL healthy? Now to make matters worse let me tell you the meal given to the child by her mother: “…a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, apple juice and potato chips…” along with the explanation that the mother did not include vegetables because the daughter will not eat them without the mother watching, and does not want to waste money on food… seems legit to me.

This is ridiculous, now along with the unhealthy main course of this pre-schooler’s lunch; she is now being told it is healthier than a TURKEY SANDWICH. Oh Timmy the firecrackers are too dangerous, here blow up this pipe-bomb instead. I know I am exaggerating, but that is literally the line of reasoning you have to go through to think the same thing this agent thought. This is where I remind us of a need for consistency. If the child was given a salad without dressing and some lawn clippings, I would only have the political foot to stand on here (which can be debated of course), but with this you cannot tell me chicken nuggets are healthier than a turkey sandwich.

But that is just my take…

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